Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week Four Game Scores

Thursday, Sept. 20

SM East 3, Olathe South 0

Friday, Sept. 21

SM West 18, Olathe East 8
Lawrence Free State 34, Olathe North 28
Lawrence 46, SM North 20
SM South 21, SM Northwest 17
Leavenworth 30, Olathe Northwest 23

Team Stats through Week Three (to snack on before tonight's games kickoff)

LHS' Jordan Brown.  LJ World.
Rushing Offense
1. Olathe South, 276
2. SM North, 254
3. SM West, 243
4. SM South, 226
5. Olathe East, 223
6. Leavenworth, 188
7. Free State, 187
8. Lawrence, 175
9. Olathe North, 164
10. SM East, 161
11. Olathe Northwest, 99 

Passing Offense
1. Olathe Northwest, 229
2. Lawrence, 228
3. SM East, 209
4. Free State, 135
5. Leavenworth, 120
6. SM South, 73
7. SM West, 57
8. Olathe North, 51
9. SM North, 47
10. Olathe South, 44
11. Olathe East, 26

Total Offense
1. Lawrence, 402
2. SM East, 370
3. Olathe Northwest, 330
4. Free State, 322
5. Olathe South, 320
6. Leavenworth, 307
7. SM North, 301
8. SM West, 300
9. SM South, 299
10. Olathe East, 248
11. Olathe North, 215

Rushing Defense
1. Olathe East, 104
2. SM East, 110
3. SM West, 139
4. Olathe South, 145
5. Olathe North, 171
6. Leavenworth, 181
7. SM South, 192
8. Olathe Northwest, 239
9. Free State, 241
10. SM Northwest, 244
11. SM North, 277

Passing Defense
1. SM South, 38
2. Free State, 62
3. Leavenworth, 80
4. Olathe South, 92
5. Olathe Northwest, 96
6(t). Olathe North, 116
6 (t). SM North, 116
8. SM Northwest, 121
9. SM West, 138
10. SM East, 157
11. Olathe East, 217

Total Defense
1. SM South, 230
2. Olathe South, 238
3. Leavenworth, 261
4. SM East, 270
5. SM West, 278
6. Olathe North, 287
7. Free State, 303
8. Olathe East, 321
9. Olathe Northwest, 335
10. SM Northwest, 366
11. SM North, 393

*Lawrence's defensive statistics only included two games so they weren't listed on defense.
**SM Northwest's offensive statistics only included one game so they weren't listed on offense.


The Biscuit said...

OS is dirty... Dirty birds living up to the hype

The Biscuit said...

Good half... On the edge of my seat here. Someone's going to have to break a big one. Glad the refs got the game under control after a lot of chippyness early (by both teams)

The Biscuit said...

Hype. Lived up to. LANCERS!

The Biscuit said...

Program statement win! 4-0! Control our destiny... Congrats Coach Sherman!

Northforlife said...

Man south has a lot of weaknesses! Sme just exploited them!

Northforlife said...

Man south has a lot of weaknesses! Sme just exploited them!

Northforlife said...

Man south has a lot of weaknesses! Sme just exploited them!

Anonymous said...

I love it when Olathe south stops their own drives with cut blocks. SM East showed that their defense is for real. Way to go lancers.

The Biscuit said...

Bring on the Hawks! One game at a time... Lancers up 100-31 on the season. Lancer D is the best in the SFL and proved it tonight. Heavy passing teams, done. Heavy running teams, stopped. So proud of those young fellas, Lancers we will always be!

Eli Underwood said...

Very interesting that these past two battles of the tops teams in the league have come down to 3 points. One being a barn burner, the other being a defensive slugfest. Great year in the SL.

SFL Football said...


Bird Hunter said...

ONW must have been by far the best offense that SME has faced because ONW did not have any problems moving the ball against SME.

footballer21 said...

Well we all saw why happened to south when they lost one last year, I expect to see a different team in the coming weeks. SME did play an amazing game in defense for sure , refs were very stingy but consistent, nobody to blame

SFL Football said...

After the game I was on the field, and you could tell how bad East wanted it. Troy Wilkens was crying because he was so excited. The Stewarts are complete animals and no one could control them after the game. That just shows how much heart this East team has.

SMS watcher said...

Congrats sm east. And, btw biscuit, that is what I consider a big game

The Biscuit said...

Yeah it was a big win! Now every game after this is bigger

Unknown said...

@Jim Johnson: ONW only scored 7 points in the first half, and later took advantage of East's second string when the starters were pulled.

Hell of a game tonight, most exciting atmosphere I have ever experienced at a high school football game. It honestly felt like a college game and i feel bad for anyone who missed out. East's defense just shut out the number one rushing defense in the league, quite the statement... Congratulations to all the players and especially to coach Sherman... I think we all know how the game would have gone if Stoner was still head coach...

Sunflower football news said...

It was a great game for the SME Lancers tonight! Well played, and perhaps one of the best outcomes historically to happen in the schools Football history.

SMEast Fan, yes, we do know how the game would have gone if Stonner was still the HC, but do not forget, that if it was not for the combination of Dain and Stonner in 2000-08 (before Shernan arrived) the Lancers made 5 playoff appearances in eight seasons under both and have a combined playoff record of 2-5. That is not a pretty record by far, but Stonner was able to get the boys in to the playoffs 3 straight seasons 05-07. We had to start some where, so I am thankful we have that to learn from even if it was a 31-7 loss and it was Stonner vs. Littrell.

Still business to take care of. Go Lancers!!!

Unknown said...

@Kevin Booker: fair enough, but any coach who walks out on his players in the middle of a game will receive no sympathy from me.

Sunflower football news said...

Np, that was dealt with in an ugly way, and I could not agree more how it was handled at the time.$#i= happens, and nothing was done right.

SMEaster1214 said...

I've played in & seen a lot football in nearly 50 years & that may have been the most exciting 3-0 game I've ever witnessed! I think east proved something tonight...quality win over a great team. And to Jim Johnson, ONW racked up most of their points & yards against 2nd team D.

Eli Underwood said...

Stonner's a good guy. I think he's found a solid landing place as an assistant at SM West. He regularly provides email feedback for my blog. He's always very supportive of the whole thing and he's a very knowledgeable source for information.

SM East should be enjoying their successes under Sherman and looking towards the future. Not worrying about past coaching changes...

Just my $0.02.

Sunflower football news said...

I hear ya Eli, could not agree more! Still work to be done in the weeks ahead. Stonners got a lot of class and great insight in to the league from an old-school/new-school perspective.

What Do I Know? said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
What Do I Know? said...

Stonner is tight!!

The Biscuit said...

Stonner is a great guy, a great coach and a mentor to me in my youth. Dain is also a great guy and an awesome motivator. Percy was a great coach, old school, but was a little to much of an hard ass country guy and couldn't connect with East kids, he would've succeeded at West or Olathe schools... All of them had success' and failures and I learned a lot about the game from all 3. But the last 4 seasons watching what Coach Sherman has done makes me wish I had played under him. I am very proud of our history and even prouder of our current direction. It's great to be a Lancer!

MahValley said...

Sounds like I might have missed the best high school football game played in the league last night. Conga-rats to sme although I would have picked OS to win

Tonights winners

SM West
Lawrence Free State
SM South
Olathe Northwest

Bird Hunter said...

SME Fan, ONW scored 17 points on SME's first team D and marched the ball down the field on their first series running the ball very well. I still don't know why they went away from the run after that???

Slugger said...

Great game by both teams. OS just couldn't get the Offense going consistantly. SME defense lived up to the hype. When OS did move the ball, they killed themselves with penalties.

Hopefully SME doesn't see this as their season. It's just a regular season game. Doesn't count. Districts is when it counts. Hopefully both teams put this in the past. OS has Law and SME has OE, LFS, and SMW still to play. Going to be interesting.

And Biscuit - OS doesn't play dirty and I'm not sure where you get that. Chop blocks are not what OS teaches. In their offense, chop blocks occur when one of the O-linemen is blocking the wrong person and ends up doubling up high-low. Drives the coaches nuts when this happens because it means some defender is running free.

Best case scenerio, we get to watch these two go at it again in the playoffs.

Congrats to SME.

Listentowiseone said...

It was a good game by two good teams. Both teams were playing dirty - SME was holding and blocking in the back on the edges on almost every pass play, and returns and holding #79 on almost snap he was in. South is notorious over the years for chop blocks and continued their tradition last night. Darling is a good quarterback with a good receiver #30, South is weak on the pass and run game wasnt there like it was against us last week. Overall both teams played good, looking forward to game 2 in the playoffs.

SMEaster1214 said...

@bird hunter, not true...score was 34-10 at half and 1/2 off the east D starters were out all of third quarter. both stewarts came out of the locker room after halftime with no pads. all were out in 4th when ONW scored 14 points.

TheImpaler said...

Congrats Lancers! Now let's go Vikes, make this a Shawnee Mission sweep this week!

The Biscuit said...

Preseason games don't count. Regular season games do count, that's why you keep a record. SME is 4-0 and OS is 3-1. If it didn't count than the first 6 games we wouldn't keep score. There are league championships on the line, don't try and dismiss the fact that ya just lost. Such a loser attitude.
Aaaaaand YES! Actually Olathe South is extremely dirty! I guarantee players and fans from every other team will agree with me. Watch the game on film, late hits, shoving, piling on, dirty stuff going on in every pile up etc etc etc. it's a Gourley thing too from what I've heard. He's the least liked coach in the league. I'm glad SMEs class shines through last night and proved Sherman is the best coach in the SFL! Watch his kids on every play straight whip the other player then after the whistle they always help them up! Give them a pat on the but/arm/helmet and jog back to our huddle!!! It's amazing and makes me a very proud Lancer!

Slugger said...

Well biscuit. You just proved to me your ignorance of the game. I won't be wasting much time responding to u in the future. Os doesn't play dirty. They play hard nosed football. I'm fortunate to have access to most game films. I do watch them. I've already watched the game last night. All the junk your spewing out of your biscuit hole is just not true. Gourley is respected just as Sherman is. Both coaches are class acts. They get their players to play hard. Last night was a great game played by both teams. Don't take away from that by spewing false accusations.

My comment about this game not counting is really about how each team will take this into the rest of The season. While this was a big win for SME you would of thought they won the state championship the way they acted after the game. They have three big games coming up that they need to not overlook. I'm sure Sherman will do his best to keep them focused. Similarly, OS has to go to Law next week. They can't get down about this game.

Great job by both teams. I'm out

Jayhawk241 said...

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this one, Biscuit. Because Gourley speaks his mind, that automatically makes him the least-liked coach?? Hi-lows are not taught at South. Its simply a missed assignment by someone who should be downblocking and not manning the guy up. Its not like SME is the definition of class either.

SMEaster1214 said...

I was at the game last night and from where i was sitting neither team seemed to play dirty. There certainly was some "spirited" play on each side to begin the game. I thought the refs did a fairly nice job keeping the game in control. More impressively, I saw both coaching staffs get in the ears of some of their kids early on. Emotions were high but i think both teams settled in. I think each team was hurt by some calls/non calls but felt the officating was, while not good, fair. Both defenses played much better then I expected...I was looking for a game in the high 20's mid 30's. Easts D is scary fst to the ball! OS's secondary was much better then i was led to believe.
Right now i would guess that if these 2 teams met up in state play, the winner would go on to do some serious damage!

And to the non believers, SME is for real!

Anonymous said...

FYI- Last year in the Olathe North Game, Olathe South got called for 15 yard chop block penalties 5 times in the first half. Accidental or planned you decide. Coaches are intended to be disliked. Most of them are arrogant narcissists. At least Gourley and Sherman inspire their players to have swag and play with an attitude.

Anonymous said...

FYI- Last year in the Olathe North Game, Olathe South got called for 15 yard chop block penalties 5 times in the first half. Accidental or planned you decide. Coaches are intended to be disliked. Most of them are arrogant narcissists. At least Gourley and Sherman inspire their players to have swag and play with an attitude.

Bird Hunter said...

SMEaster 1214, with 2:25 left in the 3rd qtr SME scored with their starting offence after an INT and the starting D was still in up until then. ONW then started an 82 yard drive with the SME starting LB's and some of the other starters still in, if you want me to I can give you the exact player #'s. ONW put up a lot of yards on the SME starting defense!

Anonymous said...

Strength of schedule the rest of the way favors Olathe South. Shawnee Mission East has the toughest road. Lawrence and Lawrence Free State fall in the middle. You also can't count out SM West or SM South until they start losing. This is a wild conference this season. I love it. My Smart money is still on Lawrence to go the farthest.

SMEaster1214 said...

@Bird hunter, I don't discount the fact that the SME O starters were in when you say...never claimed they weren't. What i said was most of their starting D was out in 3rd and all were out in 4th when ONW scored 2 TD's. Give me all the D numbers you want but id you say 44, 45, 30 or 20 were in after the first series of the 3rd quarter, you are wrong. Regardless, ONW has a very nice, and very young, offense, i will grant you that. But 14 of their 24points were scored against 2nd teamers in the fourth quarter.

As an aside, with the strenght of the SME defense being the LB core (most of whom don't pass cover) it doesn't surprise me that the ONW passing game fared better then OS's strong running game. Either way, SME v ONW was never a game, ever!

Bird Hunter said...

SME got the ball first and scored, ONW then went 79 yards on their first series with 38 of those yards being on the ground in 6 carries including the 1 yard TD to tie the score at 7-7.

#25,44,45,46,55,and 58 all played up until and during the 82 yard ONW TD drive that started with 2:20 to go in the 3rd and ended in the 4th qtr.

Anonymous said...

As an SME follower, I think it is time for Biscuit to chill it about 6 notches. 90% of your comments are just ridiculous. You live in Colorado and watch hs football via an internet live stream on your Friday nights, we get it, you’re cool... This is hs football with kids aged 16-18, not college, and not pro. So there is really no need to talk a bunch of smack about how many golf state champs we've won (see previous post where you made some baseless claim that east has more state titles than any other school) and how dirty this team or that team is. I highly doubt there are a ton of rumors in Colorado about which SFL teams play dirty, however I could be wrong.

This was a great program win for a school that has for the most part been owned by Olathe schools. I went to the game last night and it was very exciting to watch. Both teams played with a lot of passion. Looking forward to a great rest of the season. East community is for the most part very supportive and positive, please stop tainting that image.

EastFan12 said...

Going to have to agree with Steve-Bono here. Biscuit, the passion you have for the program is great. It's great to have fans like you, but here's something very important about last night's game: A win is a win, there's no doubt about that. But there's a 24-hour time frame that a program should enjoy a season victory, and then move on. As a former player for Coach Sherman, I already know that he has acknowledged the win and the great effort by the team. But I can personally guarantee that East is focused on OE for next Friday. If the Lancers can play with the same passion they did last night, and continue to improve week in and week out, then who knows how far this team can go.

East won a big battle last night, but not the war.

Keep it up, boys!

jocosnob said... are a wise man.

Diablo del Sol said...

I was an offensive lineman at OS for three years and we were never once instructed to high-low or play dirty. I got my ass ripped for doing a high-low in a game so I have no clue where all of this "south plays dirty" nonsense is coming from.

The Biscuit said...

Because I live in Colorado I don't speak with people in KS?... I just heard from an extremely reliable source that Gourley wasn't very respected amongst the coaching community. Could be false but what do I know? I live in Colorado....

Besides I'm just stoking the fire a bit! Great Win Lancers! Beat OE! SME = Olathe City Champs!

SMEaster1214 said...

Let's just bottom line it Bird...halftime score was 34-10 & ONW scored two 4th quarter TD's against SME's 2nd team D. 44-24, call it what you want but it was never a game...even at 7-7!

TheImpaler said...

Hey, wait a minute....if the Vikes win tonight, the SME/SMW game will be for the Olathe city championship. Let's not get ahead of ourselves awarding championships. Crap I'm going to be in New York the week of the Lancers Vikings game. Pfffft.

The Biscuit said...

Wasn't getting ahead of my myself... Said beat OE and were Olathe city champs... At least that was what I was trying to get across. Plus you gotta play em all. I'm fairly positive that no school has ever beat all 4 Olathe teams in one season. (oh there I go again making baseless claims) but its just a rumor I heard in Colorado. Maybe the Lancers should have to play whatever HS is in Olathe, CO before I start running my mouth.

Come on guys, message boards are here for talking a little trash, making baseless claims (even when proven right), supporting your team and good hearted banter. I've taken a few shots at some teams but nothing really outrageous. It's all in good fun fellas, get over yourselves.

The Biscuit said...

And I'm one of maybe 3 people using real identification... And yes Biscuit is my real name. Just kidding

Bird Hunter said...

I don't have a dog in the fight, I just love high school football and go to a lot of games, but visting this site would make me a fan of any team but SME! Let's not forget without a transfer QB from texas SME is middle of the pack in the SFL. jmo

TheImpaler said...

Bird Hunter, that just because the OE fans aren't talking any crap yet this year because of their 1-2 record. Normally the smeast fans are a treat compared to the Hawk hawkers.

Sunflower football news said...

It's not even Sun basketball season yet! #sunflower101 talk at its best! Great convo today!

Todd Haley said...

Bird Hunter, Transfers happen. High School, College, and Pros. Its part of the game. The kids family moved and chose east for their sons well-being. He is part of the SME football team. He is a proud Lancer

Anonymous said...

I admire your passion and devotion from especially from CO.
Obviously you heard what you heard. I am not debating that. You state that they play so dirty and basically the coach teaches it. That is a pretty bold accusation to make on a community message board. This is a little different then most message boards as the players, their family and their friends are the ones that read and comment on this blog...
So if I am reading this as a player, parent, sibling, or close friend who invests a lot of time with the program, I am going to be offended by your comments. Am I making sense here or completely off base?

Anonymous said...

You guys that try to dissect how much team A beat team B by having any bearing the outcome of game C is ridiculous. Wins and losses are the only thing that matters. Just win Baby!!!!! Olathe East being second to last in total Offense and total Defense is pathetic to me.
Somebody needs to get on the bandwagon with me to get rid of Jeff Meyers. His time is long gone.

Slugger said...

Careful Daddy, A good friend of mine got run off here for bagging on Meyers.

Where oh where are you Pitt80? One Heart Beep!

SFL Football said...

I think it awesome how Biscuit lives in Colorado and still is an East fan! Don't stop what you are doing biscuit

Adam Sullivan said...

Great game out in Lawrence. Free State up 34-28 over OLN with 40 seconds to go

Adam Sullivan said...

LV won 30-23

TheImpaler said...

All right I'm on the Coach Myers has lost it band wagon. Down 10 they get the ball with 3:30 left and all he does is run up the middle. No passes, no time outs, no hurry up??? I know Balz had thrown three picks but you've got to at least try...he seemed to concede the game very early. Great job by the Vikes defense tonight. AJ pretty sharp at QB good job getting off passes with a lot of pressure in his face. Need to work on the timing routes with Andre who can beat pretty much any DB like a drum. Don't think I've ever seen a team dominate the LOS as much as OE did tonight and still lose. West really took advantage of overpursuit by the Hawks. Bring on the Raiders.

The Biscuit said...

Never did I once state Gourley was teaching his team to be dirty. What I have heard is he isn't well respected in the coaching community... What I said from what I observed in the first half of the game is that I thought OS is dirty. That's my opinion and I'm entitled to it... I was only trying to ruffle some feathers a little because every other team over the past years has taken cheap shots at SME on this blog. Welcome to the conversation though...

Anonymous said...

Slugger thanks for the heads up. Why doesn't that surprise me. After tonights game I won't be the only one bagging on the Mayor.

Northforlife said...

Were done being underated. ON might not have won tonight but we earned are damn respect. Look out were on the rise!

TheImpaler said...

Week 4 Pick 'em results:

Handle Week Season GB

WhosYourDaddy 6-0 15-2 0

Slugger 4-2 18-6 0.5

Footballer21 4-2 14-4 1.5

SoccerLover1080 4-2 13-4 2

The Biscuit 6-0 13-4 2

TheImpaler 5-1 16-8 2.5

SFLFootball 5-1 11-7 4.5

MahValley 4-11 10-7 5

TheImpaler said...

MahValley 4-1 this week not 4-11 sorry.

Anonymous said...

Thelmpaler Great observation on the drive with 3:30 left. The drive before that OE had just got the ball back down 10. On 3rd & 3 while driving in SMW territory they try a 50 yard fade route. Intercepted. OMG Try that play on first down. That bone headed play sealed the game for SMW. Good win Guys. Sterbach is so small but that kid has the heart of a lion. I would go into battle with that kid anytime. What a beast!!!

Eli Underwood said...


Nobody has been run off of here for bagging on anyone. Nor have they ever.

I only delete comments if that use profanity or attack individuals.

The Biscuit said...

Way to go Shawnee Mission Schools!

SMS watcher said...

SO to Raiders 3-1. Best start in 22 years my son tells me. Exciting game. Last play hit at least one, maybe 2 Cougar receivers' hands in the endzone.

I'm over 50, and, I have never seen a back with breakaway speed run as hard and tough as Gabe Guild. He took a beating tonight but always seemed to carry 2 or 3 or 4 defenders an extra yard or 2. He carried SMS, and, I wouldn't be surprised if he had over 40 carries and over 300 yards. It will be interesting to see the stats.

Recap: SMS received opening kickoff and drove 80 yards. 7-0. SMNW answered with a similar drive. 7-7. SMNW stopped SMS. SMNW drove down and scored again. 7-14. At that point, defenses stiffened and 7-14 at half, SMNW leading. SMNW got opening kick off and stopped by SMS. SMS then drove down and tied game. SMNW punted and Abdul had an exciting punt return to around SMNW 30. South scored again to go up 21-14. Later, after better D on both sides, SMNW completed a 30ish yard pass to get down tow SMS 20ish yard line. SMS stiffened and SMNW kicked a field goal for last score of game. On last SMS drive, the went about 60 yards and turned the ball over on downs around the SMNW 20 with 1:00 left. Through short passplays and excellent clock management (no time outs left for drive), they got inside the SMS50. Last play was a hail mary to trips that hit at least one SMNW receivers hands but fell to ground as time ran out.

TheImpaler said...

Oh, btw, I have to point out that the Olathe School District is now 4-12 on the season. I fell SO much better about SM football this year. Can't wait for the SME-SMW game. Not that I'm over looking SMS Guild v. Sterbach should be a truly GREAT show.

Eli Underwood said...

Guild rushed for 294 yards and three touchdowns on 44 carries.

SMS watcher said...

SMS -SMW will be interesting next Thursday. We'll see if SMS can take a stride to a new level not seen in this century. I'll bet Guild is sore after tonight. Didn't break a long one. Got all his yards the hard way. SMS will have to play better to win next week.

Sunflower football news said...

The Olathe4 are down 0-4 to the SMSDs & Lawrence schools, congrats on the great work! Much accomplished with that done the last two days!

Govannon Grey said...

Gabe Guild is so fun to watch play. 44 carries though? With that kind of load, I hope he can make it throught to the end of the season.

The Biscuit said...

Seriously 44 carries out of how many plays? That's crazy! Kid is a beast though. South is much improved. I wouldn't count out ON just yet. Sounds like Weir is turning it around already, their my WAY too early break through team for 2013. I bet they make some noise come districts. Honestly outside of SMN there's no team in the SFL I wanna play twice.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eli, I was curious what you meant " attacking Individuals". I'm with you on the profanity. This forum is an excellent opportunity to express our excitement and displeasure about our program and other programs. Its called freedom of speech. If your talking about protecting Coaches from any unwanted scrutiny. Please don't be that guy! Some of these guys need to have their feet held to the fire once in a while. Absolute power and control unchecked can be a very bad thing. See Penn State. Its a coaches job to instruct, unite, and build confidence in his players. I can't stand beat down artists who never give their players any positive feedback. When a coach starts to make the program more about himself and less about the players and School thats when the criticism is justified. I was a football coach for fifteen years, twelve as the head coach. So I'm speaking from experience on both side of the issue. I say as long as profanity and Talkin about your mama isn't involved, don't try to sensor. I appreciate your hard work. Great site and an exciting season for Sunflower league football.

SMEaster1214 said...

How fun is this! 7 teams at 3-1 or better, some great game to come in the next few weeks: SMS v SMW, LHS v OS, SME V LFS, LVN v SMW, SMS v LHS...
I think Shawnee mission schools (in the race) may have the more difficult roads to league championship but it's been shown already that no path will be that easy. As far as districts, it will, in all likelihood, come down to SMW v SME in that group, & I haven't looked at the others closely enough yet to give an educated assessment.
Either way, Buckle up, it's gonna be bumpy& fun!!!
This league is loaded this year.

One question, are picks you guys make each week some type of contest or can anyone jump in at any time?

Eli Underwood said...

@Who's Your Daddy

Basically I use my own judgement on what crosses the line. In the past posters have gone on crusades to "demonize" certain players and when that happens I of course delete those comments.

With coaches it's the same thing. There's a difference between a critical assessment and and unabashed tirade at a coach.

It's mostly just a judgement call. Thus far I've only received one (1) death threat for deleting somebody's comments. I'm not even making that up. Somebody was quite butthurt. I don't remember the pseudonym of the poster--it was over a year ago and they posted like three comments all of which I deleted--but in the end I just had to shake my head and laugh.

TheImpaler said...

Smeaster - absolutely jump in any time just post your picks before the games start. No prizes or anything on the line, I'm just tracking it out the goodness of my heart, winner gets pride only. We're doing it by games back knowing some people will join later and/or miss weeks so that levels the playing field a little. Obviously most people are over .500 most weeks so the longer you miss the more of a disadvantage you'll be at. It would make my life easier as we get more people into it if Eli would start a separate post/thread for picks/results only, so I don't have to sort through every post every week to glean the picks.

SMS watcher said...

Just saw a tweet from yesterday from SMS coach -- Guild officially had 44 carries and 301 yards.

Anonymous said...

Hey Thelmpaler, Thanks for keeping track of the picks. I only wish I could find the Sunflower league at the sports book. This is a lot easier than College and pro's,