Thursday, September 5, 2013

Week One Game Scores

Thursday, Sept. 5

Olathe South 33, Lawrence 20

Friday, Sept. 6

Olathe North 26, Olathe East 23
SM East 34, Leavenworth 0
Lawrence Free State 47, SM North 7
Olathe Northwest 21, SM Northwest 14, 2OT
SM West 10, SM South 3


Slugger said...

When was the last time OS had over 200 yds passing? Jake Seurer had a great game (7-11,222 yds, 4 TDs) in his first varsity start at QB. If the young Falcons continue to improve, they could be a force by districts.

Tough start for Lawrence. I like Drew Green running the ball, but outside of that, not much talent left on the cupboard from last year. At least it didn't show last night.

Looking forward to the OE-ON matchup tonight.

TheImpaler said...

Let the games begin...looks like a fun season...waiting for ONW-SMNW to finish to post pick 'em. Kudos to SMS for a game effort, they will beat some people this year - if Abdul stays healthy...he missed most of the 3rd quarter with a tweaked ankle but seemed pretty okay when he came back in. AJ Verdini is really maturing as a QB, had a LOT of balls dropped tonight (Vikes dropped a couple of easy picks too). West needs to tune some things up and get more production at tailback but hey, you need something to work on during the week, right?

TheImpaler said...

Hmmm...prepskc says Cougs won, Eli says Ravens won...what to do?

Anonymous said...

Just as I thought the Vikings look like they may not be as efffective on offense as they were with Sterbach. But they found a way to win against a tough, up and coming SMS team. Olathe East finally aired the ball out in the second half and almost pulled off the victory. Cramps were a big factor in this game. The best conditioned team has an advantage in this early part of the season. Both these teams have great defenses. North was lucky to win this game with some of the worst special teams play I've ever seen. With the exception of tripplets return for a touchdown the North special teams gets an F-. Leach threw the ball really well when given the opportunity. Murphy was very inaccurate throwing the ball but did hit two crucial passes in the winning drive. Based on what I've seen in week one. This conference is up for grabs big time. I move Free State into the favorite spot.

Microsoft Dynamics said...
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Free State Fan said...

Pretty darn impressed with the 'Birds last night, save the 10 penalties. Lisher won't like that, but they are easy fixes and yes, FS fans, they were legit penalties. The refs called what they saw. Attention SMN student body, immediate opening for long snapper. You just don't give a high-powered offense the ball on your own 12 and 4 yard line. FS highlights: 1 defensive and 6 offensive touchdowns (by 5 different players) in the FIRST HALF ALONE. Second, 3rd and 4th string players in the second half. Minus 58 yards rushing ain't a bad way to start the season. Say what you will about it being a win against SMN, but the message has been sent... Multiple offensive weapons and a suffocating defense = tough to beat. Go 'Birds!

EagleSenior said...

A great game between Olathe North and East, right down to the wire.

TheImpaler said...

Well, let's wait til Free State plays someone besides SMN before we anoint them. I think it is wide open. Vikes have to get better play up front...they've got huge guys with a lot of experience but didn't run block for crap last night and weren't much on pass protection. I thought Steele got the better of the tailback battle and was impressed with Justin Hobbs, he'll be a great compliment to Maloney at the other receiver spot. Andre seemed just a bit rusty, overthinking things a bit and not playing by instinct. Still I wouldn't write the Vikes off yet...they also got the ass end of the officiating with 100+ yards of penalties including several personal fouls which must have been someone saying something because they sure weren't anything physical. One PF seemed to be on Stallings just for jumping up and down after a good run...I hope we don't see that officiating crew much this year, they were a little touchy IMO. Big game next week, going to have to play better to beat OS. Jake Seurer definitely player of the week in my book.

SMS watcher said...

Imp, I don't really want to get into an officiating discussion because it serves no purpose, but, I think you and I must have been watching different games if you thought SMW got the rear end of the officiating. I personally thought SMW should have been flagged for at least double that amount with a couple of players ejected. But, it doesn't really change the outcome.

SMW converting on the bomb when Abdul left the game temporarily with cramps -- great coaching move. SMS passing game was a liability. Passing game was the difference.

Special teams also helped SMW.
SMW started almost every drive in great field position. I give the SMS defense a ton of credit for keeping the score down. I'll be interested in seeing the team stats.

Anonymous said...

Hey Imp, Nobodys anointing anyone. Olathe North has horrible special teams and cant cover the pass. East can only win if Myers throws the football. He won't! The Vikes are not going to be as good. ( see my preseason writeup). After week one this is what I see. If OS lets Jake Seuer throw the ball. And he can throw it better than his brother. They just became a factor. SM East became a factor because they added a coach that uses the flex bone and obviously knows how to implement it based on week one results. For references on that offense see Hutch or Holton. The reason I'm moving LFS up is because they are truly the only program in this conference that has shown the desire to implement a wide open offense and are starting to do it well. Plus they have the athletes.The bottom line is that this conference has been living in the past when it comes to innovative offenses. For crying out loud the NFL has even moved on to the new world. (See Denver and SF). LFS did it first and they are doing it well. I honestly think SM North is the only gimme this season. Any thing can happen on any given week. It should make for an interesting weekly pick competition. And by the way I think LFS could have scored 80 on SMN had Lisher not called the dogs off. I wish I could have seen Dineen in a tougher setting to convince me on him? Love High School football !!!

SMS watcher said...

Also, loved that SMS stuffed SMW twice on 3rd and 4th and 1 on the final SMW drive at around the 10. SMS fought hard to the end. They were in it until final drive ended. If they had managed the clock a bit better and gotten out of bounds on that last drive -- they could have run instead of pass . . .

Ifs and buts don't change the final score or the win loss column. Hope to see SMS upset someone so the ifs and buts thing goes away.

Anonymous said...

They will Watcher. You guys have an opportunity to start building a long term successful program. Good luck !!

SMS watcher said...

Final comment and "if and but"-- I guess SMW was trying to send some sort of message when they went for it on 4th and 1 on their last drive since they could have put the game away with a short field goal. I guess that message kind of back fired when the nose guard stuffed the center and the linebacker bent back the QB. It would have been so sweet if SMS could have tied the game/ won on their last drive . . .

Way to bow up D. Keep earning that respect.

SMS watcher said...
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Wii Not Fit said...

I'm with WYD I'm 100% on board the Free State band wagon. Not really for what they did to SMN because there are 4 or 5 teams that could have done the same thing. My rational is because of what I see from SMW and ON. The Viking offense will struggle this year post Sterbach. You're having to replace over 2000 yards of offense and that just simply doesn't happen as easily as people think. ON has good run defense, as everyone would expect, however their lack of pass defense bodes very well in LFS favor. Joe will pick apart that defense with Blake, Keith and Khadre. The Free State defense was also very impressive, I think I read SMN had negative yards of total offense during the first half when the LFS first team was in. All aboard the Free State train! CHOO CHOO!

MahValley said...

WYD, I hope people know just how correct you are about the sfl offenses being stuck in the past. I am not sure what you could do to get these coaches to move into the last decade of the 20th century but it NEEDS to be done!

I have not lived in the area that long but there are quite a few athletes here that 1) are NOT being used, or 2) are not being used CORRECTLY. The hs football here should be MUCH better top to bottom than it is.

Anonymous said...

Mah, The crusty old coaches in this league need to go.
We need some young innovative coaches to come in and do some of these great players the service that they deserve. Good athletes are everywhere !! Only good coaches can get them noticed. Anyone can use the 4 yards and a cloud of dust strategy. I.E. Jeff Myers. The only problem is it wont work against teams that open it up like LFS. Hats off to Coach Lisher for rolling with the changes.

Govannon Grey said...

I have to play devil's advocate here. 6A State Championship offenses the last 10 years:

2012: SM West: Power I
2011: Olathe South: Wing-T
2010: Wichita Heights: Flexbone
2009: Olathe North: Power/Shotgun Zone Read
2008: Junction City: Spread Zone Read
2004-2007: Hutchinson: Flexbone
2002-2003: Olathe North: Power I

So, in Sum, the past 10 years, State Championship level football has been DOMINATED by so called "Crusty" "Old-School" offenses. Only in 2008 was there a truly "New" offense with Ty Zimmerman running spread zone read. In 2009 O-North basically ran the power I from shotgun, but also did zone read with Victor Simmons, so I'll count that as half. So IMO, you can keep your LFS modern No-Championship having offenses. Maybe it'll work if they drop to 5A where it can be won (BV and Bishop Carroll).

EagleSenior said...

@Who's Your Daddy, while our special teams did have many issues (bad snaps, kicks, and a safety), I think the main issue for East was that they seemed to focus too much on Venus Triplett and let the QB go for 10+yds for what felt like nearly every attempt. I haven't been able to look over the film again but from the sideline it seemed that Murphy was not given the attention he deserved and took advantage of it in the game.

EagleSenior said...

@Who's Your Daddy, while our special teams did have many issues (bad snaps, kicks, and a safety), I think the main issue for East was that they seemed to focus too much on Venus Triplett and let the QB go for 10+yds for what felt like nearly every attempt. I haven't been able to look over the film again but from the sideline it seemed that Murphy was not given the attention he deserved and took advantage of it in the game.

EagleSenior said...

would this be a place to post new power rankings? if not I'll move this post later on.

My Power Rankings (Week 2)
1. Lawrrence Free State (+1)
2. Olathe North (-1)
3. Shawnee Mission West (-1)
4. Olathe South (+1)
5. Shawnee Mission East (+2)
6. Olathe East (-3)
7. Lawrence (-1)
8. Olathe Northwest (+1)
9. Shawnee Mission South (-1)
10. Leavenworth
11. Shawnee Mission Northwest
12.SM North

Comment: I don't believe Olathe East is as bad as the ranking change shows, I just think that Olathe South and SM East played well enough to make some jumps up the list.

4cornerstones said...

Ask SMW about a slow start last year. I look forward to see which team gels as a unit, and keeps on improving in all fascist of the game over the next 8 weeks.