Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday Report: SM East Week

The Prepzone Power Ratings are out for this Friday's games. The computer has placed SM West as a 34.5 point favorite over SM East. It's the second biggest spread in class 6A this week behind Olathe East being favored by 35.5 points over Olathe South.
Last week the computers predicted a 32.5 point SM West victory. The Vikings won by 28. Like I previously stated, although there is not a huge human element factored into the system, the computer spreads conducted by the CJ Online Prepzone have proven to be very accurate over time. However, rivalries are also not included...
The dogfight that is the Nut Cup SM West vs. SM East rivalry is always a hard fought battle no more the score. Here is a list of the game scores since 1999, all of which are SM West victories:
Year Score Winner
1999 21-7 SM West
2000 29-21 SM West
2001 39-20 SM West
2002 20-16 SM West
2003 7-6 SM West
2004 25-7 SM West
2005 17-7 SM West
2006 35-14 SM West
2007 13-0 SM West

As evidence by the results SM East is hungry for a victory in this rivalry. Their slim playoff hopes would require them to beat SM West by 20 points on Friday.