Thursday, October 23, 2008

Thursday Report: SM North week

The Topeka Capital-Journal point spread came out this morning with SM West favored by 32.5 points over SM North. The CJ computer spread is the closest thing Kansas has to a betting line on high school football. The spread is generally pretty accurate considering it is a computer based data system that makes the spreads. Last week, for instance, SM West was favored to win by 11 points against SM Northwest. SM West won by seven.

If the Vikings play their style of football covering the spread will be no problem. SM North lacks big play ability, and is has been big plays that have hurt the SM West defense. Without that threat, the Indians will have difficulty getting on the scoreboard.

There is also the Darron Harvey effect. The only running back SM North has faced all season with ability comprable to Harvey was in week four, when the Indians faced Olathe East running back JaVon Williams. Williams dominated the SM North defense rushing for five touchdowns on 21 carries, and helping Olathe East to rush for 326 yards on 52 carries in the game.

Add in the fact that SM West now has the services of previously injured senior running back Zach Allen to compliment the rushing game, and you're looking at a potential stat gold mine.