Monday, November 26, 2012

2012 Coaches All-Sunflower League Teams

Here are the First, Second and Honorable Mention All-Sunflower League selections for 2012 as chosen by the 12 Sunflower League head coaches and their assistants.  These selections are made at the conclusion of the regular season.  If I accidentally made any omissions or misspelled someone's name, please shoot me an email or leave a comment so I can correct it.  I will be releasing my annual Elite teams later this week.

Brett Sterbach. KC Star.
First Team

Brad Strauss, Senior, Lawrence

Running Back
Brett Sterbach, Senior, SM West
Gabe Guild, Senior, SM South
Jason Randall, Junior, Leavenworth

Wide Receivers
Connor Rellihan, Senior, SM East
Tye Hughes, Senior, Lawrence Free State
Erick Mayo, Senior, Lawrence

Tight End
Billy Sutherland, Senior, SM East

Offensive Line
Cody Stanclift, Senior, Lawrence Free State
Fred Wyatt, Junior, Lawrence Free State
Austin Chambers, Junior, SM West
Zach Williams, Senior, Olathe East
Braden Smith, Junior, Olathe South

Defensive Line
Dominique Atkinson, Junior, SM East
Cody Stanclift, Senior, Lawrence Free State
Kharon Brown, Senior, Lawrence
Lee Spight, Junior, SM West

David Stewart, Senior, SM East
Corban Schmidt, Senior, Lawrence Free State
Remington Whitley, Senior, Olathe South
Josh Ammel, Senior, Leavenworth

Defensive Backs
Kyle McFarland, Senior, Lawrence Free State
Joe Dineen, Junior, Lawrence Free State
Brad Strauss, Senior, Lawrence
Andre Maloney, Junior, SM West

Joey Reed, Senior, SM West

Chase Hanson, Senior, Olathe South

Kick Returner
Drake Hofer, Senior, Lawrence

Punt Returner
Tye Hughes, Senior, Lawrence Free State

Kyle McFarland. LJW.
Second Team

Kyle McFarland, Senior, Lawrence Free State

Running Backs
Patrick Blackburn, Senior, SM East
Venus Triplett, Sophomore, Olathe North
Hayden Frazier, Senior, Olathe East

Wide Receivers
Will Thompson, Senior, Lawrence
Andre Maloney, Junior, SM West
Nathan Power, Junior, Olathe Northwest

Tight End
Alec Dinges, Senior, SM West

Offensive Line
Andrew Nichols, Senior, SM North
Jeramie Fischer, Senior, SM South
Will Short, Senior, SM East
Kyle Wittman, Junior, Lawrence
Jordan Johnson, Senior, Olathe Northwest

Defensive Line
Austin Chambers, Junior, SM West
Braden Smith, Junior, Olathe South
Da'Quan Blake, Senior, Leavenworth
Spencer Taylor, Senior, Olathe East

Jeramie Fischer, Senior, SM South
Ryan Woodson, Senior, Olathe East
Max Bullard, Senior, SM West
Keith Loneker, Junior, Lawrence Free State

Defensive Backs
Matt Elliott, Senior, Olathe South
Ra'Keim Abdul, Junior, SM South
Al Smith, Senior, Olathe East
Erick Mayo, Senior, Lawrence
Troy Wilkins, Senior, SM East
David Sosna, Senior, SM East

Judson Cole, Senior, Leavenworth

Judson Cole, Senior, Leavenworth

Kick Returner
Ra'Keim Abdul, Junior, SM South

Punt Returner
Brandon Trinkle, Junior, Olathe East

Honorable Mention

Lawrence: Drew Green, Asaph Jewsome, Jordan Brown, Tyrone Jenkins, Tucker Sutter, Alex Jones, Kieren Severa, Hunter Harrelson

Lawrence Free State: Antonio Schoenich, TJ Cobbs, Chris Heller, Demarko Bobo, Riley Buller, Saxon Mingus, Blake Winslow, Stan Skwarlo, Reid Buckinhgam

Leavenworth: Isaiah Ross, Jarred Donnelson, Jordan Donnelson, Jesse Colver, De'Vante Butler, Nathan Butler, Kris Messer, Eli Keppler, Kenneth Sculley

Olathe East: Ryan Ahlgren, Nathan Guthrie, Matt Gorby, Tyler Hooks, Bryson Baldon, Spencer Taylor

Olathe North: Marcel Spears, Ju'Wan White, Jake Reed, Ryan Garrett

Olathe Northwest: Riley Adam, Connor Holsinger, Mitch Holsinger, Brock Droescher, Chase Gitlin, Alex Pruss, Zee Pinkerton, Eli Pruss, Adam Harter, Manny Psihountas, Chiron Chappell, Cody Sestrich, Alex Durr, Cole Bouwens, Holdyn Halperin

Olathe South: Nathan Howard, Frank Seurer, Sawyer Hawkins, Thomas McCue, Brandon McAtee, Sawyer Gibbs, Russell White

SM East: Christian Blessen, Reed Harbor, Sage Thompson, Kyle Ball, Max Kurlbaum, Mitchell Tyler, Sam Stewart, Ryan Carter, Will Humphrey, Jordan Darling

SM North: Max Payne, Will Carter

SM Northwest: Kelby Quint, Jake Horner, Jake Filsinger, Ariska Savior, Lovell Jones, Jake Hoskins, Josh Zbeb, Connor Jarman

SM South: Evan O'Brien, Nick Oliver, Jon Prueter, Dametrius Berry, Jordan Andrews, Devin Martin, Rasheed Brady, Chaz Union, John Eric Kelley, Zach Gerber, Dainan Swoope

SM West: Joel Spiller, Tanner Clark, Aaron Brown, Kez Demby, Rashaun Owens, Robert Rice, Marquan Osbey, Cooper Arner, AJ Verdini, Steffon Ward, Ben Lake


TheImpaler said...

I wonder who the coach of the year will be...hmmmm....

Eli Underwood said...

You'll find out later this week! As if it's any question to begin with...

Anonymous said...

How did Josh Moore not receive any honors on either side of the ball? Thats pathetic... talk about a political mess at Olathe North...

What Do I Know? said...

I'm actually really confused on how Kez Demby didn't even get second team...

Eli Underwood said...

I have both Moore and Demby on my Elite Teams. Moore not even garnaring HM is a head scratcher. I know he jawed a ton on the field--not sure coaches held that against him but perhaps they did? Demby played like an All-Stater once the playoffs began (intercepting three passes, two off of Strauss, and recovering a fumble in four games) but the coaches vote at the end of the regular season, so playoff efforts aren't included.

TheImpaler said...

I was kind of surprised to see Austin Chambers 1st team on OL and 2nd team on DL...I would have thought it might be the other way around.

Slugger said...

A few weeks back we started a discussion on the O-Lines of the Sunflower league. With the release of the all sunflower league team, It's time for Slugger to give his take on the men in the trenches...

I have to base this on the teams that I’ve seen. The only team I have not seen this year (either in person or on film) is Leavenworth. So I have no opinion there. Apologies to the Pioneer fans. I’ll first list the O-Lines as I see them. Then I’ll list my opinion on the best O-linemen in the league. Some teams listed in the top of the O-Line may not have an individual on my list. That’s ok. Any o-lineman knows the whole is greater than the parts. Also, it was difficult to compare an o-line that is in a spread offense with an O-line in a power run game. Spread offenses do not present the o-line as aggressive as a power run game. That said, I tried to be fair.

Team O-Line:
1. Free State - Free State doesn’t have overwhelming size, but they are athletic and consistent. They are the best O-line on the best offense in the league.

2. SMW – Here comes the beef. There’s a reason that a 5’7, 150lb back can lead the league in rushing.

3. Lawrence – Not huge but good. Occasional lapses. Would they be this good without Strauss?

4. Olathe East – I’m going out on a limb here. I only saw them early in the year and wasn’t impressed, but typical Jeff Myers, he had them playing great by districts. No stars. Like I said earlier, the whole is greater than the parts.

5. Olathe South – Too many injuries and inconsistent play plagued the returning champion. OS started 5 different lineups through the year. But how can you not put a line led by Braden Smith in the top of the league.

6. SM South – The one game I saw, they did not stand out, but again, with Gabe Guild running wild, they must be doing something right.

7-9 There is a group that falls in next. I’d put ONW, ON, and SME in this group. For ONW and SME, I just think their offensive success is more a product of the system than the individual talents. Weir had ON functioning well by the end of the year.

10-11 I’m putting SMNW and SMN here. I might give the edge to SMNW. What I did notice is that both teams had size and talent. I think it just comes down to coaching.

Like I mentioned, I did not see a Pioneer game this year so I have not included them in this list. If someone wants to chime in on where they fit in, please do.

I'll give my individual mentions in a following post.

Slugger said...

Now for the individual mentions. Please note that these, as well as the list above, are based on the single, or few games I was able to watch of each team. No agenda here.

When watching games, I tend to gravitate to watching the O-line play. What I’ve listed below are players that stood out when I watched them. I also tried not to pay any attention to any pre-hype. You stood out, you made my list.

In no certain order:

1. Alex Jones, #64 Tackle – Lawrence. Stood out on a very good line.

2. Cody Stanclift, #74 Tackle – Free State. I like him better on offense than I do defense.

3. Dominique Atckinson, #58 Guard – SME. Big and quick. For a team that runs the spread, he can get out and put people on their back.

4. Austin Chambers, #76 Tackle – SMW. Big…BIG…BIG. Anchors the right side of the best line. Big. Surprizingly agile for a kid this big.

5. Sawyer Gibbs, #78 Center – Olathe South. First year starter and most people probably don’t know about him, but he punishes people.

6. Braden Smith, #79 Guard – Olathe South. ‘nough said.

There were several other players who are worth mentioning, just didn’t stand out as much as those above in the games I watched.

Demetrius Berry SMS (what happened to his brother? I don’t think he played in the game I saw)
Aaron Brown SMW
Jeramie Fisher SMS
Fred Wyatt LFS
Kharon Brown LAW – Because Lawrence runs a spread, he spends most of his time helping the center pass block. I would absolutely love to see this guy trap a Defensive End. Makes my teeth hurt just to think about it.

That’s my take. I’m sure I’ve left off some very good players. Let’s hear your take.

Bird Hunter said...

I would not think it would be to hard to reconize that a team that's among the league leaders in total offense while having absolutely no speed at any skill positions would perhaps have a pretty good Offensive line. That's what Olathe Northwest did this year; look at the numbers of total offense and compare that to their longest play from scrimmage and you'll find a team that moved the ball thanks almost entirely due to it's O Line play. If ONW had the skill players of almost any other school in the conference you would claim they had a great O Line.

Bird Hunter said...

I would not think it would be to hard to reconize that a team that's among the league leaders in total offense while having absolutely no speed at any skill positions would perhaps have a pretty good Offensive line. That's what Olathe Northwest did this year; look at the numbers of total offense and compare that to their longest play from scrimmage and you'll find a team that moved the ball thanks almost entirely due to it's O Line play. If ONW had the skill players of almost any other school in the conference you would claim they had a great O Line.

Unknown said...

Bird playing oline in a spread is much easier than ina power running set. Slugger realizes this but comes to a poor conclusion that LFS has best line. SMW clearly had the best line. Everyone knows he's getting the ball and you still cant stop it. The QB in a spread can make the line look good by scrambling or rolling out

Unknown said...

Imp seriously? Chambers is a stud on offense and average on d. He is D1on the offensive side of the ball

Bird Hunter said...

I agree Bob, The abilty for a QB to scramble is a big part of the spread offense which is another reason that the ONW numbers are so impressive; their QB had no ability when it comes to running the ball he finished with negative yards rushing the ball for the season (slow, slow slow!

Slugger said...

Bob Bopp, one clarification. I said that o-lines in spread offenses do not appear as aggressive as power run offenses. Not that it is easier. I've played in both spread and power run and there would be an argument that it is more difficult to have the mental discipline to pass block 90% of the time.

AS far as FS and SMW o-lines, both are very good. Of the games i watched, i felt the FS line performed the best.

smsraider said...

@ slugger Dominique Berry could not play this year due to grades. He should be back next year.

Unknown said...

I am not following the coaches. I don't understand how Demby for West isn't first team. I watched films of every game in the conference. This kid didn't give up a passing touchdown all year at either CB or safety. Demby had more tackles than the dbs choosen in front of him. Furthermore,I can't remember a kid having more ball hawking skills in the metro area since Tony Belvins in 1992. I understand putting 29 on the first or second team however Maloney is an offensive guy not a defensive standout. Demby had five picks and several key fumble recoveries. He also blew up the Mayo kid from Lawrence on third down causing him to drop the ball at a key time. And if i recall right he knocked the all-league receiver out for ten minutes on what I would call metro hit of the year. The fact that him and Osby weren't first team is not excusable. Their omission is making a mockery of the league coaches.

What Do I Know? said...

yeah what he said ^

Bird Hunter said...

I agree 100% on Demby! I also don't understand how Olathe Northwest who had by far and away the worst Defense in the league got 6 players on that side of the ball on honorable mention; goodness that Defense was bad.

Bird Hunter said...

When are the All State teams announced?

Bird Hunter said...

Josh Moore at Olathe North is a great talent; what I have heard from coaches is that he takes to many plays off. The kid will be a beast when he grows up a little and If he decides to play with the heart of Braden Smith he will be a sure fire D1 player.

Eli Underwood said...

Josh Moore, Kez Demby and Demarko Bobo were the three most obvious omissions from first or second team (or even HM in Moore's case) to me. But naturally you're always going to have people left out anytime you try to consolidate who the top players in the league were.

I think Maloney was well deserving of first-team accolades on defense (I'd make the case for offense as well, even though he was still second team). After watching him through the playoffs I think he was the top shut-down cornerback in the league. Demby played great in the playoffs, but like previously stated, this list was compiled after week nine. Most of Demby's big, highlight plays came in the playoffs.

Bird Hunter said...

When we say someone should have made it (first or second team) then we have to ask ourselves who would we take off? That's where it becomes difficult!

Unknown said...

I think Demby Knocked the kid out from Lawrence during the season. I am also sure that the coaches in the conference knew who they avoided after the first three games of the year. Maloney has improved on Defense a whole bunch. Last year against Olathe North he was the worst defender on the field.

TheImpaler said...

I can't believe Maloney isn't on 1st or 2nd team as KR or PR. Is there a more electric guy in the league?

Govannon Grey said...

Honorable mention means exactly that, it means your were mentioned by your coach in the meeting. Sometimes it means they were voted on for 1st and 2nd team, and just didn't make it and sometimes it means that their coach put their name on a list specifically for honorable mention. If a kid isn't even on honorable mention, it means the coach didn't put him up for anything, and yes, your coach has to nominate you for any and all of those awards.

Slugger said...

I agree with Bird Hunter (did I really say that?) We all have players we think should have gotten more recognition, but that would mean someone on the list would have to come off. I wouldn't want to deny any kid this recognition, but players I feel were shorted were Josh Moore, Sawyer Gibbs and Alex Jones.

Along with what Imp said about HM, different coaches have different philosophies. For instance, Weir at ON and Myers at OE have a short list of names while Dain at ONW has historically submitted long lists of names (upwards of 16 names in past years).

As far as kids not getting recognition even though they shine in the playoffs - last year Jordan Ward was All-Conf Honorable Mention (he missed several games early with a sprained ankle) yet made first team All-State based on his freakish playoff stats.

SMS watcher said...

Sunflower League's 12 teams also makes it tougher than other conferences. My HS was on MO side in. Suburban Big 6 30 plus year ago. Only had to compete with 5 other teams for all conference vs 11.

Unknown said...

O line play. Tyler hooks center for OE was excellent all year. He controled every nose gaurd he faced. This includes Braden Smith and the big guy #58 forSME.